Hub City Farmer's Market, Here We Come!

As part of our ongoing goal to help kids learn to raise and grow their own food, we will be coordinating a series of workshops each month at the Hub City Farmer's Market. Some of our instructors will even be market vendors! Each project will have a take home activity with instructions and resources so kids can continue what they've learned at home with their parents.
some of our market kids!
We are conducting these workshops free of charge, but we sure could use your help to defray the cost of materials. Below is a list of supplies we will need. Some can be saved from the recycling bin. Others may be something you have that you are not using. In any case, thank you in advance for any help you can give. And please share with your friends in the Spartanburg area! :)

kid sized watering cans
printer paper
garden themed stickers, stamps and ink pads
snack sized resealable bags
gallon resealable bags
2 large bags organic potting soil
construction paper
100 small spray bottles
colored tape
100 small peat pots
peat moss
50 quart glass jars
dark potting soil
leaf compost
50 sheets black construction paper
clear tape
gel pens for decorating (optional)

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